Challenge Packs!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

So. What have I been doing Post Reset? Read on.

Alot of you will be surprised that I am still eating the Reset meals that are outlined in the guidebook for the Ultimate Reset. Many of you have been asking me what am I doing to maintain, how are my workouts now, etc. So I want to answer all of that right here, right now. Throughout my 21 days-I have discovered that personally, I want to remain a Vegan. I want 50% of that to be Raw Vegan as well. I just know, FOR ME, it helps me feel better and have more energy. PLUS-I recover from my workouts faster, therefore I can push harder in my workouts. I am on the maintenance program for the Reset-which includes Alkanize (the nasty green sweat sock powder-but is SUPER good for you) and Optimize (digestive enzymes). I also wanted to include Oxygenize (liquid oxygen-oxygenates the blood-making you feel oh so good, and your workouts are super fly when you are drinking oxygenated water), plus once a day I will take Detox. To keep things moving. You know what I mean by that. And since doing this every day, almost a month post Reset-I STILL have my post reset results, and I still have that clarity of mind, the peacefullness, the energy, all of the benefits that came with the Reset. Figured out I can keep that feeling forever! Which I LOVE.
I do allow myself to have a little more snacks than usual-but I am experimenting with vegan/raw snacks and side dishes to "get my feet wet" to speak. I have alot to learn, like always, and I want to know what my body likes, and what it shuns. Sort of a self experiment. I like science. OH-and as far as my workouts..I basically feel like the Gladiator. For reals. I am doing Asylum with a dash of Les Mills Pump thrown in for good measure. My performances on the hardest workouts I've ever done are SO MUCH BETTER. And with that I feel like a spartan. A gladiator. Or Rocky.
Anywho-that's all I have for now. Summer is upon us, which means LOTS of boating. Who knows-maybe I will drink and eat my face off the next time we are out on the boat. All I know is-is that with Beachbody-I have the tools to get back on track. I can help you do the same thing. KNOW THIS. -DB

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