Challenge Packs!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm getting all bible-y on you today

Someone piss you off today? Someone pissed me off, and this cat.

Angry people usually justify their anger, saying it's someone else's fault they are angry. Yet the Bible repeatedly warns us against giving in to anger when we are upset by other people's words or actions.

There is such a thing as righteous anger. And sometimes we need to talk about problems or deal with dangerous situations. (Even at these times, we must exercise self-control.) Yet most of the time, our anger is not righteous. As James wrote, "Man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" (James 1:20).

When we give in to anger, we often focus on our own welfare, comfort or happiness. Instead, we should be primarily concerned about other people’s welfare and being a good witness for God.

God does not want us to simply react emotionally to others' actions. Instead, we should respond with wisdom and a gentle spirit.

...That said-it's ok to be angry. Anger is a natural emotion. We can control how we respond to anger though..whether your are responding to the one who made you apeshit crazy, or you are talking to someone else about how that person made you apeshit crazy. You shouldn't do that. I shouldn't do that. We aren't perfect. We mess up. But it's ok. It's how we handle ourselves that really makes a difference. Are you going to hold on to that anger, or are you going to let it go? I'll tell you what, staying angry at someone, or refusing to not change your attitude-is absolutely IGNORANT!! And not to mention-completely time consuming-emotionally and physically! Get on with your day, get over it, and get back to work-whatever it is that you do. Next time you are pissed off, do this:

OH HOW IT HELPS. I'm on Day 7 of Asylum BTW. It was "Strength" again. Boy-this workout WORKS YA. I upped my weights-but I payed for it! Tons more sweating and groaning and maybe a little pee in the pants. But I made it. And I may even say I like the workouts now?? Maybe. (Like when it's over).

Aaaaaand this picture just because its' soooo something I would do to scare the crap out of my kids:


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