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Saturday, May 9, 2009

So no one is perfect...

I can prove that (::snicker::)..I had my usual for breakfast this morning-Shakeology-but instead of the "usual" morningstar veggie sausages to accompany it, I chose to scarf down 3 sugar cookies left over from my daughter's Friday field day! Great pairing, eh? ::shakes head down in disbelief::

My point is-Is that I'm not really that upset about it. I know alot of people will mess up sometimes, whether its your diet, skipping workouts, or other daily living things..and when this happens, they just say "Screw it! I'm having 10 more cookies, and some ice cream too. And then tomorrow, I'm going to do it again. And you know what, working out is a chore. I'm not doing that anymore either!" I call it, 'The All or Nothing' approach. I penned that, because that USED to be me, dead on. If I messed up even once, I would stop working out for months, and pay no attention to my diet, even stop taking my multivitamins. The point of this, is that we need to give ourselves some grace, cut ourselves some slack, and know that we can pick up right where we left off. Self doubt is an evil little sucker, and it can zap your joy faster than anything. We have to be realistic, I know that those cookies I ate will probably give a good ol' fashioned sugar crash later, but I'm still going to workout today. I'm still going to watch what I eat today. And tomorrow, and the following day, and so on. And heck, there will probably be morning cookie day again, and maybe some pizza and icecream thrown in there. Point is: we all screw up, we all fall down, BUT we.keep.moving!

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone! Enjoy the sun (if it's shining in your town!) and enjoy your friends and family. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others! :)

In Him and Health-Demi


Annie, The Amazing Shrinking Girl said...

oh so true, so true! i need to remind myself of that a lot!

Faith | Family | Fitness said...

Right on Demi... life is life and I'm not trying to become healthy to deprive myself of living. When we get too legalistic about our eating and exercise then we've lost control just as we did before we got healthy. Balance is the key and we all need to find it!

KC said...

Good post Demi!
This is so true. What fun is all of this training and watching our nutrition, if we can't actually have a "cheat meal" occasionally?!

If I thought I could never again have a "cheat meal" I'd probably just give up. but knowing I can have one occasionally, helps keep me on track. It helps me resist the urge to eat those fattening foods that I'm craving at that moment, and save it for my cheat meal...which by then I'm usually not craving that food anymore, but knowing I CAN have it makes all the difference (notice I said "meal" and not "day".) :)

Unknown said...

Right on girls-It's all about finding that "balance." And knowing that cheat meals=SANITY :)
And like KC said, cheat MEAL, not cheat DAY, or WEEKS, lol.

Jade said...

Great post Demi! Being an "all or nothing" type of girl myself, I'm struggling to find balance in my life. Easier said than done!

Unknown said...

I know Jade-it's def a daily "struggle." Think of your day as a day filled with choices. Every second we make a choice-and it is up to us to make the right one (for us) can be different for everyone in that moment. I hope you can find your "balance"! I don't think everyone has it "hands down" but just striving towards that is the key, and not giving up :).