1) The Team Beachbody Summit is going down in LA starting June 15th. Which means lots of preperation for us Beachbody coaches. It's basically Beachbody vomiting all over LA for a week. Workouts with celebrity trainers, motivational seminars, and award ceremonies for the coaches that actually do their job. Yes, I am one of them. Which means it is all about me. (not really...sort of).
2) Packing. Since airline industries are money rapers/aholes and they charge for every stupid thing you bring on the plane, me and J have decided to have 1 carryon, and 1 checked bag. I KNOW. Crazy, right? Usually, I travel with 2 checked bags AND a carryon-for just MY stuff. Well, trying to compromise, I've decided to follow the STUPID 3 oz rule
So stupid. Like I can get all my crap in this? Money Rapers.
And, I also bought 6 dresses from Victoria Secret (double YAY) so I don't have to pack seperate jeans, shirts, and all that nonsense that normal people wear. I am not normal. Even if it's 50 degrees, I will be out there with a flimsy padded cotton dress (I made sure they all had built in padding so I don't even have to pack BRAS. I mean, if that's not compromising, I don't know what is). So, that saves alot of space. I also have to pack a ridic amount of workout wear and sneakers and heels, so this does help alot. Guys have to pack like 2 shirts, jeans, a toothbrush, and they are done. So dumb.
Anyway, I think I'm going to have my period during this week long party. F times a billion. Bloating while working out while being filmed while in a sports bra and booty shorts=not hot. I will make sure to take a diuretic or something. God help me.
The Summit also is a big drunk fest. If anyone has been to one-....you know what I mean. Trainers and fit people seem to be able to hold their liquor quite well and can drink ALOT of it. Which makes for alot of sporadic dance parties-like who can do the running man and the robot the best-and basically not sleeping for 5 days straight. And then we get our ass kicked in the super early morning workouts and wonder why we did what we did the night before. But then we do it all over again the next night. And then there are the endless coversations-because you feel like you are at a big family reunion. So you want to talk to EVERYONE for a minimum of 1 hour and take a minimum of 100 pictures with said people in various forms of drunkenness and "X" formations (or not, if you are a boring party person, or a recovering alcoholic). So the pictures are always "fun" to look at plastered all over facebook when you get back home.
So yeah, we're getting ready to take over LA. Watch out. We're staying at the JW Marriot at LA LIVE where the Nokia theatre is at-AND AND AND we are going to a real life movie premier/screening of the movie "The Green Lantern." Red carpets and celebrites. I die.
It's basically going to be a week of pure awesome-so you should go....next year because it's sold out this year, and it's only for coaches. So sign up to be a coach NOW-then purchase your summit ticket when they go on sale days after this summit is over this year. You won't regret it! IT'S EPIC!!
OK I'm done talking about this.
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