Challenge Packs!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Here are some pics from Mahmood Fazal Photography!

The rest can be found by clicking HERE.

But there are some faves!

This was after doing P90X, P90X+, Tony Horton's One on One's, and now INSANITY! Hard work BRINGS RESULTS! BRING IT!

-In Him and Health-Demi Bean


Michelle said...

DEMI! Your photos are phenomenal!!! Congratulations on all of your hard work!

Faith | Family | Fitness said...

Beautiful. Stunning. Powerful. Strong. Courageous. Persistent. Focused. Faithful. Example. Inspiration.

KC said...

Awesome Pics!!! That is such a great accomplishment to see those amazing abs after having babies! You're an inspiration to mothers everywhere!