If you look hard enough, you'll see the pullup bar. Don't judge me on my messy closet. That's as good as it gets these days.

This is all in our master bedroom. Very understanding husband.

4x8 Rubber block puzzle matting. I bought the dumbbells over time, but for the first month, I only used the red band.
You don't need alot of space. I'll prove it to you by letting you see my bedroom.
This is a SMALL bedroom, I don't know the exact measurements, but little adjustements here and there, and VOILA-you gotta home gym! And most importantly-it gets the job DONE!
1 comment:
Wow! You do work out in a tight space! That is really encouraging! I feel like I want more space and I use my whole living room!
I like the idea of the rubber matting. We are just doing it on our plain carpet but it doesn't seem to offer much cushion and the carpet is gonna be plum worn out with all that jumping and squatting and running and lunging.
What are those black dumbbells there? Gee Whiz Demi. You lifting 30's or something? :o) don't be puttin me to shame. The most I've done is 20's. :o)
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