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Monday, April 6, 2009

One of those nights..

I got alot on my brain, and I can't turn it off. I know the importance of sleep and health, so it gets me even more worried. I probably shouldn't have taken that nap earlier, because it always does this to me. But naps are SOOOOO nice on Sundays! It's like a ritual around here!

Lesson learned. Deep breaths, a benedryl, and praying until I fall asleep usually works..combined with a short blog-1-2 punch! I've gotta long day tomorrow-so I definitely need to get this rest. FYI-When you don't get enough rest, it's hard to eat healthy the next day. Your body releases a hormone called "ghuerlin" that signals hunger, so you eat more to keep you awake, in sense. That nasty hormone makes your body crave fatty, sugary carbs though, and it's fierce to deny-so strap on some will power if you ever have one of those nights/days (like I'm having!). I know tomorrow will be a little rough, but I'm just going to tough out the ghuerlin with lots of water!

So another lesson learned for everyone-make sure you get enough rest!

The following is an excerpt from Tony Horton's corner on Sleep:

"...I like Byron Katie's 3 Kinds of Business Theory:

God's Business: The things that happen in this world that are out of my control.

Their Business: The choices other people make based on their life experiences so far.

My Business: The choices I make that shape my life.

Don't waste your time on gossip, ridicule, envy, self-pity, anger, guilt, arrogance, impatience, regret, manipulation, jealousy, fear, worry, and anxiety. It's too stressful, and it destroys the energy you need to stay healthy and fit. If you choose understanding, truth, clarity, patience, devotion, gratitude, acceptance, wisdom, and forgiveness you will have peace of mind and all the energy in the world to do whatever you want.


Sleep does more than make you feel rested. Two recent studies with healthy volunteers demonstrated suppression of immunological function after one night of modest sleep deprivation. The activity of certain white blood cells and the production of chemicals essential for immune system performance significantly decreased. After a good night's sleep, most immune functions went back to baseline levels. About 40% of adults experience sleepiness that interferes with daily activities. Most U.S. adults get less than seven hours of sleep per night during the workweek, while research has determined that certain parameters of immune function are enhanced by more than seven hours of sleep."

I'm definitely a 7-9 hour sleep kind of gal. Anything less, and the crazy woman comes out! LOL -Hope everyone is having a wonderful night :).

In Him and Health-Demi


Jen said...

man...1:45 am? That's tough Demi! I hope you finally got some sleep! I hate it when I can't sleep...because like all moms...we always have a big day the next day and can't just spend the day in bed catching up!
Lately though...I have NO TROUBLE sleeping. If anything...I can't get enough of it!

The Noy Maker said...

So crap! That's what's wrong with me. Maybe when Moses sleeps through the night I won't be a crazy person anymore! (Maybe not)

B Nash said...

I just wanted to say thank you Demi for posting this.....

Don't waste your time on gossip, ridicule, envy, self-pity, anger, guilt, arrogance, impatience, regret, manipulation, jealousy, fear, worry, and anxiety. It's too stressful, and it destroys the energy you need to stay healthy and fit. If you choose understanding, truth, clarity, patience, devotion, gratitude, acceptance, wisdom, and forgiveness you will have peace of mind and all the energy in the world to do whatever you want.

I have read it over and over again! It really does speak to me today as I have been struggling with a few of those things you listed at the beginning!

Hope you got some rest!!!

Jade said...

This is wonderful! I reposted Tony's quote on Facebook :) Thank you!

Faith | Family | Fitness said...

I feel ya sister. Had a couple of rough nights last week and was starving the next day. Praying for you to have a restful, healing nights sleep tonight!

Thanks for all the good informative stuff too!!