Challenge Packs!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

P90X so far for me...

Well, I can go on and on about it. What I can tell you is that I tried on my wedding dress from 3 years ago (much, much, thinner back then..and I was doing this so I can sell it on Ebay!). Long story zipped right up! 3 weeks ago I tried to do it and I had like a 4 inch gap in the zipper, so yes I am THRILLED about that. Funny thing is, I haven't really lost that much on the scale. So the muscle mass is coming out-which makes me smile. I love, love, this system. I started at 140, and I'm now at 125 lbs, I do not know my body fat yet though. Can't wait for phase 3 after this recovery week coming up!!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome Demi! I can't wait to get my post baby work out started! I have P90x already but I want to try extreme chalene. It's the chick who does Turbo Jam but similar to P90x. The hardest part for me is the eating!

Amanda Keller said...

That is hardcore girl!! You and Jessica are totally getting my amped to try this program out. Now that the marathon is over I really want to focus more on weights and toning up! I may have to purchase this system!! Great job girl! I could totally notice a difference the last time I saw you!